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What We Commit to Privacy

Before proceeding your use of our website you are providing consent agreement to collection and use of your information as described in this privacy policy. knows, believes and maintains a severe privacy of our website users and customers’ info. Any information we gather from order processing or from any inquiry is not spread, disclosed or sold to other party excluding as required for customer service, contact, processing and shipping of the customers’ order(s) and requests.

We do not intentionally save information from children under 13. Our website is not planned or structured for use by children.

Please know we will reveal your information when required by law or to guard our interests and safety and those of other visitors to our website, or when you let us to do so. Your info can also be revealed when we have a good-faith belief that it is required to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process served on our website.

What & Why Information We Collect & Use

Many areas of our website and web server gather user information. This user data is maintained in log files that contains visitors’ domain name, IP address, browser name and version, date/time of visit, referring/exit web pages, number of clicks and broad geographic/demographic information for trend following. Make sure; Visitors’ email addresses are not part of log files we will not save those in our logs. gathers information that our website users willingly provide. Visitors and user of our website willingly provide their names, email addresses, phone numbers, shipping addresses and other personal and business information. When you buying from our website, you offer sensitive information such as credit card data and account number. By providing this information you consent that in order to process your requests and transactions, this information will be shared with our service providers and third parties such as banking institutions, credit card and shipping companies. Your financial information will be used to process your transactions or bill you for products and services that you request.

Our website users and customers have the access to change their information on our website. does not deliver, distribute or sell our website users and customers’ info to any other party. The website users and customers’ information may be used for marketing and upgrading of website, products and services. Please note we also use this information, to contact you concerning updates on our website and other information we deem may be valuable and of interest to you. If you do not like to have the marketing information from, send us email at

Security & Customer Information Protection Measures

Security & safety of our website users and customers’ information is of top priority to us. We take realistic measures against illicit access or use of your personal and business data online and offline. Access to website users and customers’ information is classified in our offices. Our site uses the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption which is the utmost form of data security system when information is sent or received over the internet. Although SSL encryption verifies the integrity of information and security of sending/receiving servers, information is not 100% safe over internet. We then cannot warrant the security of information you send us over the internet.

Our Transfers in Business Transitions

If goes through a business transition such as sold to, merged with another company, or declaration of bankruptcy, the transfer of assets will include some or all of the information collected from our website users and customers.

We Use Cookies For Better User Experience uses cookies to improve the website users and customers’ experience on our website. A cookie is programmed set of data stored on your computer for prolonged period of time by our website. A cookie on your computer will allow our website to identify you as a definite individual and relate to your information in our servers/records. Cookies need to be allowed in order to use website. You can remove cookies by following instructions in your web browser.

Third Party Website Links & Our Responsibility website may hold links to other websites. Please be aware that we are not accountable for the privacy practices of such other sites. We reassure our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personal identifiable information. This privacy statement applies only to information collected by our website. may modify this Privacy Policy at any time with or without notice. The change(s) will be posted on this page. We encourage you to read this page frequently.